Early bird rate until 5/26!
…plus an additional discount for Deaf, BIPOC or student interpreters.
What are the essentials needed to provide successful interpreting services?

This deeper dive looks at all the factors that contribute to interpreter competence, job satisfaction, and healthier practitioners. We may not be able to control external barriers; however, there are many aspects of the work that we can improve by looking more carefully at what we can do individually and as a community that will benefit ourselves and the consumers of our services.
Join us for an immersion experience where we talk about what we can do in a non-evaluative, constructive, and guided exploration.
This seminar will be conducted in either ASL or spoken English according to the participants in the group.
We will meet from 10:00am until 5:00pm with a 1 hour lunch break from 1:00-2:00pm (all Eastern time).
RID CMP Continuing Education Units. This Professional Studies program is offered at 0.6 PS CEUs/ACETs at all levels (Little/No, Some, Advanced, Teaching) Content Level.
Registration is $125. Early-bird rate $95 with when registering by May 26, 2023, at 5:00PM Eastern. When completing the registration form, those who identify as Deaf, BIPOC, or student qualify for an additional $20 scholarship applied during registration.
These online IMI Seminars are offered live only. There will be no recording, and no opportunity to watch them at a later date.