If you wish to have your business, organization, or deaf-related services added to this page, please fill out this form.

Apps to Communicate Better

Yes, you can SEE each other on the phone!

It’s often awkward speaking on the phone through an interpreter and not able to catch the other person’s tone of voice or facial expression for yourself.

These apps* allow the hearing person to see, as well as be seen, by both the relay interpreter and the Deaf person.

Sivo (Purple/ZVRS)

Wavello (Sorenson)

*Requires a smartphone/tablet. Also works on desktop/laptop with webcam.

Deaf Arts – Visual, Culture, and Theater

– Various sites in Colorado –

ImaginASL Performing Arts (iASL)

– Englewood –

Feel the Beat Dance

Deaf-Owned Businesses

We’ve grown and have our own page:

Deaf-Owned Businesses


– Movies –

Cinemark Tinseltown (South Colorado Springs)
OC Movies are always shown on Saturdays and Mondays.
1545 E. Cheyenne Mountain Blvd., Colorado Springs
[Link to Google Maps]

Cinemark Carefree Circle (North Colorado Springs)
OC Movies are always shown on Sundays and Wednesdays.
3305 Cinema Point, Colorado Springs
[Link to Google Maps]

For more information of OC Movies and their movie theaters in Colorado, see the OC Programs of Participating Colorado Theaters document.

Financial Resources

Deaf Tax
Professional Tax help in ASL

Kramer Wealth Managers
Invest with deaf/ASL consultants

Interpreter Services

– Colorado Springs –

Access to Sign Language  (A2SL):


Sign Language Network   (SLN):

– National-

Sorenson Community Interpreting:



855-585-5859 (VP)
855-585-0801 (text)

– Grand Junction –

Center for Independence:


– Del Norte –

DEAFinite Communication Access:


 – Denver –

Professional Sign Language Interpreting (PSLI):


CART Captioning Services

 – Denver –

Visible Voices:


RID Certified

Check the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

Learn ASL with Your Child

– Colorado Springs –

ASL with Julie

– Denver –

Signing Child

Signing Smart

 – Videos –

Signing Time!

Learn in ASL

Text: 720-938-7782, 970-370-3556
Deaf-owned. They offer silent weekend events, to close the gap between the deaf world and hearing world. Volunteered by deaf from all over Colorado.

ASL With Julie!


Atomic Hands

Medical Professionals

Do you know any medical professionals who are deaf, deaf-friendly, ASL signer, or CODA? Let us know and we’ll be happy to add them here.

Mental Health

– Colorado Springs / Online –

Diversus Health (formerly AspenPointe)

AA Community Recovery Regular Support Meetings in ASL

– Online –

WellPower (based in Denver; formerly Mental Health Center of Denver (MHCD))

Deaf Counseling

Front Range Counseling Center

National Deaf Therapy

– Urgent Crisis –

DOVE (Deaf Overcoming Violence through Empowerment):
24-hour Crisis Line: 303-831-7874

Crisis Text Online: Text HOME to 741741

News in ASL

The Daily Moth

Regular Socials

See Calendar for events

– Colorado Springs –

CASLCS (Every 1st & 3rd Monday)

Caffeinated Cow Deaf Chat (Every Tuesday mornings)

Citadell Mall Deaf Chat (every 2nd & 4th Saturday)

DNO (Every 2nd Friday evening)

– Denver Metro –

DMAD Hall (Every Tuesday & more)

– Louisville –

Superior Deaf Social (Every Thursday)


Christian Deaf Church meets at Faith Covenant Church, 4965 Barnes Road, Colorado Springs.

Crossroads Church in Loveland has interpreted services. Go to their Facebook or website for more info.

New Life Church. Services on Friday (6:30pm) & Sunday (9am & 11am) at 11025 Voyager Parkway, Colorado Springs. Interpreters provided. 719-594-6602. or


No Barrier Zen. Join weekday morning meditation with deaf Zen Buddhist monk every Tues / Wed / Thurs, 8-8:30am MST.


NOTE: By ADA law, the funeral home is required to provide an interpreter if asked. Inform the funeral home to call 855-585-5859 (Linguabee.com) to get an interpreter.

Resources to learn ASL

– In the Community –

ASL with Julie

Colorado Springs School for the Deaf and Blind (CSDB)

– Accredited Interpreting Programs –

Pikes Peak State College

University of Colorado Colorado Springs

– Online Resources –

ASL University by LifePrint

– Apps –

The ASL app

Video Relay Services (VRS)

Deaf-to-Hearing and Hearing-to-Deaf phone calls.





VRI Situations

– VRI/Interpreter –

NAD’s ADA & VRI Card – Use this card if you do not want VRI to show why you cannot use VRI and to request for an in-person interpreter.

If you are at a hospital that is associated with UCHealth, contact them and they will provide you an interpreter 24/7/365.

In response to the many requests in being listed on this page, we have established specific criteria to ensure the relevance and quality of listings.

To be considered for inclusion on this page, your business or services must be Deaf-centric (and/or Deaf-owned) and be located in Colorado. If you meet these criteria, you can fill out the form below.

For businesses or organizations that might not completely meet the criteria but still hold potential value to our community, such as a hearing-aid company based outside of Colorado, a nominal annual contribution of $200.00 may be requested for listing.

Our primary goal is to maintain the integrity and purpose of this directory while also fostering inclusivity and accessibility for all. Your understanding and support are appreciated as we work towards building a comprehensive and valuable resource.