Your Hearing Dog, Inc.
Grand Kickoff Celebration!

When: April 17, 2024 | 6pm-9pm MST
Where: Norris Penrose Event Center, 1045 Lower Gold Camp Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado
General Admission:
Adults (Age 12+): $25 Online, $30 at the door.
(One free beverage with ticket purchase.)
Kids under 12: $15 Online, $20 at the door.
(One free drink & one candy item with purchase.)
Be a YHD V.I.P!
For $50 Online or $60 at the door, you can enjoy:
- Reserved seating near the stage
- Photo Op Meet & Greet event
- One food voucher
- One beverage voucher
- One YHD tee shirt
- Exclusive preview of auction items
Who we are: Our mission is to provide specially trained service dogs to the Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing community at no cost!
Featuring Special Guests:
The Canine Stars
Stunt Dog Show
The Wayne & Wingnut Ventriloquist Show
Scan QR code (below on flyer) to purchase your tickets!
ASL Interpreters for the Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing will be available throughout our event!