Be a Volunteer for Denver Metro Association of the Deaf (DMAD)
Be paid $50 per event!
Where: Empower Field at Mile High
Volunteer Check-In: 9:30am
Club Level Open: 11:30am
Event: 2:25pm to 6-7pm
We are located in the club level 3rd floor west inside (312 & 313) – air conditioned! We will sell soda, beer, margarita drinks, tacos, and nachos.
2 people – 313 (Drink Market)
5 people – 312 (Top Taco)
Uniform: black pants, black or dark shoes, They will provide polo shirts and hats (or you can bring a Broncos hat).
Parking: 1820 California St Plaza Garage, Denver
Free Shuttle Bus between the parking lot and Empower Field
If you are new, you need to undergo a background check, watch two videos and pass two tests – ten questions each (Food & Safety, Broncos PLUS)
Please let Larry Pike know if you want to work on by September 7 or you have a question: or 720-457-2048